Type of Electric Fences Posts in Kenya
There are many types of Electric Fences Posts in Kenya. The type depends on the scope and the level of security required in a setup. One of the components of a security electric fence is a fencing post. To put electric fence wire around a perimeter, fencing posts are used. In Kenya, the most common type of material used on fencing posts is steel are fabricated to size from 25mm by 25mm to 75mm by 75mm posts. The height of the fencing posts depends on how high an intruder would not be able to scale. For Instance, when an electric fence is done on top of a stone wall, a height of 1 meter to 1.5 meters is sufficient. In cases where the electric fence is done from the ground up, a height of from 2 meters to 3 meters is sufficient.
Temporary Electric Fencing Posts in Kenya.
In the cases where an electric fence is installed but is for a temporary period. For example, while doing paddocking, a temporary electric fence is installed in such a way that it can be easily moved from one location to another. A fencing post made of plastic with a steel stake on one end is used. The steel stake is pushed on the ground to hold the plastic thread-in post. Buy Plastic Thread-In posts on our online shop HERE
Fencing Posts for a Free Standing Electric Fence.
A free-standing electric fence is mounted from the ground level. This means the entire structure of the electric fence is independent. It is in such a way that the fencing posts have to be strong enough to hold the fencing wire as they run along the perimeter. Here, the most common type of fencing posts is 40mm by 40mm or 50mm by 50mm steel posts. On the other hand, treated wooden posts and concrete posts can also be used.
How to Buy Electric Fencing Posts in Kenya.
At Electric Fences, we have in stock all types of fencing posts. For the non-standard sizes and types, we can custom-make the posts as per your requirements. You can order or buy online HERE
For customized fencing post solutions or for bulk orders, reach us by Call/Text/WhatsApp on 0722 708034 / 0725 790734 / 0720 456534