1,000 Kgs Sliding Gate Automation

1,000 Kgs Sliding Gate Automation

KSh 160,000.00

Home automation has come a long way in making life easier. Gone are the days that you would stop your vehicle, get out, open the gate, drive in and step out again to close the again. Furthermore, imagine doing the same at night while it is raining. We have sliding gate automation systems available in Kenya that will make your life a bit easier.
To order or book for Centurion’s D10 Smart Installation:

Reach us by Call/ Text at 0722708034 or 0720 456534,

Connect with us on WhatsApp at 0722708034

A. Detailed Costing for Supply and Installation of Automatic Remote Sliding Gate – Using Centurion D10 Smart Gate Model
No. Qty. Materials and Services Description.

Unit Price




1. 1 Set. §  Centurion Automatic Remote Sliding Gate Model D10 Smart with two (2) Sets of Remote Buttons. 125,000.00 125,000.00
2. Lot. §  Cabling to power the gate for communication with the safety beams and other accessories. 3,000.00 3,000.00
3. 2 Pcs. §  12 Volts 7AH Backup Batteries. 2,000.00 4,000.00
4. 1 Pair. §  Centurion’s Infra-Red Safety Wireless Beams – to prevent accidental closing of gates when there is a vehicle on the gate path. 8,000.00 8,000.00
5. 1 Pc. §  Centurion’s Power Surge Protector 5,000.00 5,000.00
6. §  Labor, Conduits and Trunking, Concrete and Miscellaneous Expenses 15,000.00 15,000.00
7. Total 160,000.00
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