The best Razor Wire fences and Installers in Kenya

One of the most affordable fencing solution in Kenya is the use of razor wire. In addition to being affordable, razor wires fences are quick and easy to install. Furthermore, the installation of razor wire can be the first phase in getting a more complex and thorough electric fence.

Razor wire fences can be installed as concertina type or flat trap razor wire fences.

Razor wire Fences features pointed barbs at regular intervals along the central strand. If a human or animal attempts to pass through a razor wire fence, they can suffer cuts and grazes. Sharp blades on concertina wire can sever the flesh and cause fatal injuries in some cases.

Galvanised Razor Wire

Razor wire is available in various types and sizes depending on the intended security level that is to be achieved. Razor wire is galvanised by the hot dipping method. The following are some of the types.

razor wire fences in Kenya
razor wire in Kenya

450 mm diameter galvanised razor wire

Not only is this the most popular type of razor wire, it also the most affordable type of razor wire fence. Ideally, it is installed on top of a stone wall to prevent an intruder from accessing the property by jumping in. The intruder’s clothes will get attached to the sharp claws which can also cut the intruder skin and inflict serious injuries.

Electric Fences Kenya is a leading supplier and installer of 450 mm diameter galvanized razor wire fences.

Also you can shop online in our store and we can deliver to you at very affordable rates:

450mm diameter PVC coated razor wires fences

For the purpose of preventing rusting, the razor wire is PVC Coated. It can last a very long time without rusting or having any damages from the weather. It is ideal for coastal areas including Mombasa. PVC Coated razor wire is available in green colour such that it blends very well with areas that have lots of trees and vegetations. We highly recommend the use of PVC Coated razor wire for areas that are near a forest or where green spaces are desired like Karen, Runda or Gigiri areas in Nairobi. Not to mention, upcountry areas with lots of vegetations and trees.

In fact, check our latest discounted prices from our online shop:

For same day delivery of 450mm diameter PVC Coated Razor Wires in Nairobi Call | Text | WhatsApp us on 0722 708034 / 0720 456534

730 mm diameter razor wire

Comparatively, 730 mmm diameter razor wire is the best choice for commercial and industrial setups. Its big diameter means no intruder can manage to jump over it. The 730mm diameter razor wire fence can be installed by stretching it on the bottom or at the top of the free standing electric fence.

This razor wire can also be installed by laying it on the ground or forming two layers of it from the bottom. However, it is good to note that 730mm diameter when installed on top of a stone wall, half of it would go beyond the border to the neighbor’s side. Notwithstanding, razor wire fence offers a high level of security. Razor wire fences is the best and most affordable fencing solution in Kenya.

730mm razor wire is available in Kenya from our online store

980 mm diameter concertina razor wire

In other words, the big boys of razor wire fence are available as 980 mm diameter razor wire. In military it is used to setup camps. Whereas you use it when setting up temporary camps or securing your materials on site as you build your wall. Additionally, 980mm diameter razor wire can prevent wild animals and human intrusions. Electric Fences Kenya highly recommend this 980mm diameter razor wire.

In any event, you can shop today for the 980mm diameter razor wire from our online shop.

We also take orders by phone: Call | Text | WhatsApp us on 0722 708034 / 0720 456534

Razor wire prices in Kenya

Whereas, razor wire prices in Kenya may change depending on various factors including shipments charges and tax rates. Electric Fences Kenya has tried to keep the razor wire prices as affordable as possible.

Thus, kindly check our latest razor wire prices on our online store:

In addition, Call | Text | WhatsApp us on 0722 708034 / 0720 456534

Similarly, our email address: or

Razor Wire Fence Specifications

Outside DiameterNo. of LoopsStandard Length per Coil
450 mm337-8 m
730 mm5610-12 m (5 clips)
980 mm5614-16 m (5 clips)
Razor Wire Fence Specifications

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