Electric Fence Management Tools in Kenya
These are tools, meters or accessories that are used to get the conditions of the electric fence energizer or the status of the electric fence. In other words, these tools are used to monitor and measure electric fence systems effectively. Indeed, some of the tools are used to identify faults on the electric fence while others are used to get the status of the electric fence. Some of the electric fence management tools in Kenya are portable voltmeters. Others include fence lights that are used to identify a live fence or to give a quick glance at the power flowing through the fence.
They include the following;
1. Stafix Remote with Fault Finder
Smart 3-in-1 tool featuring a remote control function to turn your compatible Stafix energizer on or off anywhere along the fence line, as well as a built-in volt and current meter for the rapid location of electric fence faults.
- Quickly and easily locates faults along the fence line
- Large back-lit display
- Displays current, voltage and current direction simultaneously
- Displays previous current reading to compare values
- Audible current indicator
- Convenient belt clip
- Insulated, rugged, water-resistant case
- Replaceable 9 V battery
- Low battery warning system
- Automatic energizer polarity detection
- Fault Finding option can be used with all energizers
- Turns compatible Stafix energizer on or off from anywhere along the fence line.
2. Fault Finder or Stafix Fence Compass tool in Kenya
Makes fence maintenance easy. The combined voltmeter and current meter are designed for the rapid location of electric fence faults.
- Quickly and easily locates faults along the fence line
- Large back-lit display
- Displays current, voltage and current direction simultaneously
- Displays previous current reading to compare values
- Audible current indicator
- Convenient belt clip
- Insulated, rugged, water-resistant case
- Replaceable 9 V battery
- Low battery warning system
- Automatic energizer polarity detection
- Can be used with all energizers.
3. Stafix Digital Voltmeter in Kenya
An essential fence maintenance tool that enables accurate testing of your fence and energizer earth system.
- Firstly, the DVM enables accurate testing of fence and energizer earth system
- Earth probe provides accurate fence-to-ground voltage measurements
- Readings from 200 V to 9,900 V in 100 V increments
- Rugged design
- Automatic On/Off
- Replaceable 9 V battery with a life of up to 18 months.
4. Stafix Fence Alert light in Kenya
Provides a warning if your fence voltage drops below the level required for effective stock containment. The Stafix Fence Alert™ helps to protect your valuable livestock. To illustrate, the following are some of the features of the fence alert light.
- The warning light begins flashing when the voltage is too low
- Visible up to 1.5 km away
- Rugged impact and water resistant case
- Can be used on any type of electric fence including steel wire and portable poli products
- Works with all energizers
- No ground wires or external power sources required
- Battery life 5 years on standby or up to 2 weeks of continuous flashing
- Two preset voltage triggers can be selected
- Replaceable CR2032 lithium button cell battery.
5. Nemtek Fence Scope Multi Tool available in Kenya
With this purpose in mind, the Fence Scope is a 4-in-1 tool, which helps diagnose problems on your fence to optimize electric fence installation and ensure that the fence continues to operate at ideal levels.
There are four operation modes to select from:
- Fence Probe mode –quickly indicates the direction of a fence fault, showing the voltage and current
- Fence energy mode– accurately measures the output energy along the fence. This mode is used to test the size of the shock the intruder will receive at any point along the fence by simulating the intruder. This helps to ensure that the voltage and the energy is sufficient along the entire fence to deliver an appropriate shock to the intruder.
- Fence scope mode –this can record and display waveforms of the electric fence pulse. Distortions in the waveform (wave shape) generally indicate that there are fence faults.
- Fence noise mode –this shows the amount of electromagnetic interference generated by the fence or energizer. This feature assists in finding cracked or broken insulators, sparks and shorts along the fence.
6. Nemtek Fence light in Kenya
Electric Fence Tools in Kenya include the fence light. The flashing rate changes with the change of voltage on the fence. The slower the rate the lower the voltage. The intensity of the light remains the same. Thus, it can be seen from far irrespective of the fence voltage. To illustrate, the fence light is installed between the earth and the live wire. The fence light indicates the status and condition of the fence for peace of mind.
Indicates power on the fence for peace of mind
The fence light is visible from up to 1km at night and 100m during the day
Furthermore, it requires no batteries to work.
Similarly, the fence light uses minimal power from the fence.
The frequency of the flashing LEDs indicates the amount of energy on the fence. The longer the period between flashes, the lower the voltage on the fence.
Highly visible LEDs allow for a 160-degree viewing angle. This allows the light to shine into the secure area only.
On the other hand, it can operate from 0.9kV to 12kV
Furthermore, Electric Fence Tools in Kenya include the fence light used with most electric fence energizers.