Electric Fence installation in Kenya

To anyone in Kenya, perimeter security is very important, not only does it give you peace of mind but you are assured that your home and property will be secure when you get back home. Our electric fence installation includes top wall electric fences, free-standing electric fences, chain link fences, razor-wire fences. We do all types of installation, repair and maintenance of electric fences in Kenya.

Type of fences in Kenya

Depending on your needs, we offer client-specific solutions in electric fences. Our services include supply and installation of :

  1. Top wall electric fences
  2. free standing electric fences
  3. Game electric fences
  4. Farm Electric fences

We also maintain and repair all types of electric fences in Kenya.

How much does it cost to fence an acre in Nairobi, Kenya?

Whereas there are many factors that influence the final cost, we at Electric Fences Kenya will walk you through the costing process to get to the most affordable solution that will match your budget. Check this link: https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/bd/lifestyle/gardening/what-it-takes-to-put-up-a-modern-fence-2253774

Most likely, you have a plot of land that you would like to fence, we have calculated a sample on cost for supply and installation of electric fence on a 50 by 100 ft plot in Nairobi here https://www.electricfences.co.ke/shop/product/electric-fence-installation-on-50-by-100-ft-plot/

However, for a more specific quotation, don’t hesitate to contact us by Call | Text | WhatsApp on 0722 708034

Free standing electric fence in Kenya
Free-standing electric fence in Kenya

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