Latest from our Electric Fence Installations in Kenya.
Electric Fences Kenya is one of the leading electric fence installer companies in Kenya. We pride ourselves on the installation of security and solar-powered farm fences all over the country. Indeed our fencing solutions are both affordable and reliable. We also make sure all your electric fence installations in Kenya will continue giving you service for a long period to come. All our installations have 12 months warranty. We also offer scheduled maintenance services on all types of electric fences.
Installation of Security Electric Fences in Kenya.
Security Electric Fences in Kenya include top wall electric fences and free-standing electric fences. We also include razor-wire fences in Kenya.
Electric Fencing Solutions for big estates and mini estate in Kenya
To illustrate, estates and large areas that need security solution have one major handicap; monitoring. Monitoring means pin pointing the exact vulnerable point in the perimeter and taking quick action to remedy the problem.
For instance, an intrusion can happen at any point on a perimeter fence such that for the security to rush and identify the intrusion point is crucial. With electric fence, zoning of a big perimeter is an important starting point. For example, lets say you have 10 acres perimeter to secure using electric fence. With use of zoning, you can break the big perimeter into several zones such that a particular zone can be easily identified. In our latest electric fence installation in Kenya, we have used JVA Energizer machines, Hammer CPS Energizer Machine and Nemtek Energizer Machines to bring out zoning. Hammer CPS 6004 is the most popular zoning electric fence energizer machine that is used for Electric Fence Installations in Kenya
How to buy JVA Z28 Electric Fence Energizer Machine in Kenya.
JVA Z28 is a two zones electric fence energizer machine. Briefly, it can achieve two zones in a electric fence installation. Furthermore, to achieve multiple zones, a combination of two or more energizer machines can be used to bring out more zones.
Furthermore, you can buy the latest model of JVA Z28 Energizer machine on our online shop.
Buy online Nemtek Druid 28 Electric Fence Energizer Machine in Kenya.
Nemtek Druid 28 is a a two zone enerzier machine that is available in Kenya. In fact, with an output of 3.7 joules in each zone, it is able to achieve good monitoring and secure you property. The two zones are independenty monitored.
- Two 3.7 Joule independently monitored and controlled zones
- The robust and flexible design is ideal for residential, commercial, industrial and high-security sites
- Each zone can be set independently to be on/off or in high/low voltage modes
- Can be programmed into alarm sensor mode allowing it to be integrated into a separate burglar alarm system
- Built-in alarm monitors tampering or faults on the high voltage and earth fence wires
- Connectable to armed response radio or GSM module
- Lightning and power surge protection
- Intelligent power saving to extend battery life
- Built-in gate alarm input to monitor if the gate is open or closed
- Optional keypad for controlling and programming the energizer. This allows the user to control the energizer remotely, with up to two keypads.
- Walk test mode for easy fence testing
- Additionally, the LCD background colour changes to easily identify the fence conditions.
Creating a four zones electric fence using Hammer CPS 6004 Energizer Machine in Kenya.
Hammer CPS 6004 is a four (4) zones electric fence energizer machine. Summarirly, it is able to achieve a creation of a four zones electric fence around a perimeter.
The four zone energizer machine include a separate high voltage transformer for each zone. This separate transformers ensures that even if one zone becomes shorted, the remaining zones remain operational. The LCD keypad displays system data. In addition, the keypad allows you to control the energizer.
Indeed, this energizer machine and many other models are available for purchase through our online store.