Electric Fences Kenya
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Affordable Electric Fencing Solutions in Kenya
The norm in Kenya is that every homeowner needs to secure his home. The solutions available may include both conventional security materials like stone walls, chain link fences or electronic types that may include electric fences and CCTV surveillance systems. Electric fences tend to be the most prefered affordable electric [...]
How to buy Stafix Fault Finder in Kenya
Stafix Fault Finder tool in Kenya - 0722 708034 The Fault finder in Kenya is a combination voltmeter/current meter that is designed to locate electric fence issues quickly. It is a very useful tool for the maintenance of very long farm electric fences in Kenya. It is a handy tool [...]
Temporary Electric Fencing Solutions in Kenya.
Temporary electric fences are used in Kenya mostly on farms that require paddocking or strip grazing. For instance, to control where cows are grazing. A farmer may opt to do temporary electric fencing to subdivide his land into paddocks. In such a case, the animals would graze on a particular [...]
What are the Electric Fencing Wires available in Kenya?
Electric Fencing Wires in Kenya are available as two types; that is galvanized steel fencing wires and aluminium fencing wires. Both are sturdy, long-lasting, and low-maintenance, making them ideal for erecting perimeter fences to keep slow animals contained. Galvanized steel is a cost-effective alternative for transporting an electric charge across [...]
Type and uses of Electric Fence Insulators in Kenya.
The task of insulators is to isolate the conducting wire on which the current stands in relation to the earth. It prevents shorting and at the same time keeps creep currents to humidity and dirt deposit low. Top wall electric fences, free-standing electric fences and farm fences use electric fence [...]