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How to get a Solar Electric Fences in Kenya

In the light of huge electricity bills that have become too big a burden in Kenya. There ought to be other alternative ways of powering your electric fence. Not only can you power your house using solar but you can power your electric fence using solar power. At Electric Fences Kenya, we have a tailor-made solution that will allow you to use solar electric fences in Kenya every day every hour.

How does solar electric fence work

For the purpose of using solar power to power your electric fence. We use a highly efficient solar panel that is able to collect as much energy from the sun as possible. Additionally, we use high quality solar batteries to store the collected energy for use by the energizer machine at night. This is a very simple setup but it require a keen eye to ensure that you never run out of power when you need it. It is important to realize in cases of farm fences, most wild animal intrusion would happen during the night time. Thus the energizer must work perfectly throughout the night.

Solar electric security fence

It is important to realize that solar can be used in all types of electric fences. Solar power can be used for the residential, domestic electric fence as well as farm and wildlife control electric fences. For example, solar power can be used for top wall electric fences and also free-standing electric fences.

Fencing Solutions in Kenya

The following are some of the fencing solutions available in Kenya

  1. Free standing electric fence using steel posts

2. Free standing electric fence using treated wooden posts

3. ‘Piggy back’ electric fences

4. Top Wall Electric Fences

5. Farm and game conservation electric fences

6.Razor Wire Fences

How to get a solar electric fence for your farm

You can reach us by Call | Text | WhatsApp on 0722 708034 / 0725 790734

Email us on: info@electricfences.co.ke / sales@electricfences.co.ke

You can also check our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/electricfenceskenya/ or

Our Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/kenyaelectricfences

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