Accessories needed for a solar-powered electric fence in Kenya

Most farmers in Kenya may opt to do the installation of their farm electric fences using available local labor. Briefly, a farmer may find the option of buying all the accessories needed to complete the installation to be an easier and cheaper option. On the other hand, professional installation removes the headache of the installation from the farms head. At Electric Fences Kenya, we have a convenient online shop. Our online shop has all the accessories and materials needed to complete a solar-powered electric fence. We also offer guidance on what to look for while shopping for fencing accessories. Furthermore, we also offer technical support at a fee. This will help a farmer complete the installation in a professional way.

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A solar powered farm fence in Kenya - Call 0722 708034
A solar powered farm fence in Kenya – Call 0722 708034

List of items required when installing an farm electric fence in Kenya

Below we have listed some of the most common fencing accessories needed to have a professional and effective solar-powered electric fence in Kenya. This is for guidance only and professional advice is required to complete the work.

  1. Electric Fencing posts. Here treated wooden posts or steel posts can be used. Note the corner posts are usually different from other line posts.
  2. Fencing wires. These are strands of galvanized high tensile steel wires that are run along the perimeter to secure the area. Fencing wires are available in various diameters depending on what is to be fenced. Available diameters include 1.6mm2, 2.5mm2, and 4.0mm2.
  3. Insulators. Insulators are used to provide insulation between the energized fencing wire and any other fencing materials that have been used including fencing posts. Here we have various types including W’s or line insulators, insul-pipes, strainers insulators, and also reel insulators.
  4. Under-gate cables. This wire is used as an energized cable but with insulation. This is to prevent accidental touching of cable. Mostly under-gate cables will be used between the energizer machine and where the electric fence starts.
  5. Electric fence energizer machine. The energizer machine is used to power or energize an electric fence. There is various type of energizer machines available in Kenya. Some of them can work with the mains while others can work easily with solar power. The most popular type of energizer machines for farm fences are Stafix, Nemtek, and JVA brands. Professional advice is required so that the farmer does not purchase an underpowered machine or one that is too powerful for that specified size of farm. Get farm energizer machines HERE.

Other Accessories that are crucial for proper functioning of an electric fence

  1. Lightening Diverter and Fence monitors. Some of the farm electric fence energizers may come without this capacity. The lightning diverter is crucial since it protects the energizer machine from being damaged by lightning. On the other hand, a fence monitor is used to connect an alarm system to the electric fence system such that faults or attempted tampering with the electric fence will trigger an alarm and alerts.
  2. Siren kit. This alarm kit contains a sounder alarm that is triggered whenever the electric fence is tampered with. A strobe light is also included in the setup which lights up to alert anyone whenever the fence has a fault.
  3. Earth Rods. This is one of the most overlooked items in a typical installation. Any electric fence requires proper earthing to be effective and to have enough energy to shock and provide monitoring of the electric fence.

In summary, there are various crucial components that are required to set up an electric fence while some other optional items are used to enhance the functionality of the electric fence.

Indeed, while setting up a professional farm fence, it is always good to seek professional advice. Any mistake or an overlook may end up costing alot of money to do repairs of the installed fence.