How the Wildlife Conservancy Electric Fences in Kenya helped local communities

A wildlife conservancy electric fences in Kenya is used to separate human settlement and farms from animal attacks. On one side, you want to keep the animal free in the wild. On the other hand, you want to keep people living their normal lives without destruction from animals. Wildlife conservancy electric fences are therefore not so much about keeping the animals safe but also about keeping the local human population happy and for them to live a normal life. Wildlife conservancy electric fences are found near major wildlife parks or migration routes for wild animals. In particular, you might see a

At Electric Fences Kenya, we are involved in the design, installation, maintenance and service of wildlife conservancy electric fences in Kenya. We also work in the greater East African region. Wildlife conservancy fences work by reducing conflicts between farmers and animals. Elephants in Kenya have been known to destroy farms completely. Whereas animals like lions and leopards have occasionally strayed from animals parks and killed livestock.

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Human-Wildlife Coexistence in Kenya by use of Electric Fences

Electric fences are installed in areas with lots of human-wildlife conflicts. In particular, human-elephant conflict is more pronounced since an attack by elephants on a farm will leave the farmer without any food crop. Elephants are also known to destroy a human settlement completely, uproot fruit trees and destroy water tanks. It is in this regard that electric fences are installed in Kenya to make sure elephants would not get a chance to attack a farm.

In Kenya, electric fences and electrified “porcupine fences”, are widely used to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in Kenya. The electric fences allow the landowner to grow crops without fearing that they would be destroyed by animals. The main advantage of the “porcupine electric fences” is the fact that only the big wildlife is kept away. Also, they are easy to maintain and are not very expensive.

“Porcupine” Electric Fence in Kenya

Benefits of a wildlife conservancy electric fence in Kenya

The local community would benefit most from the success of these electric fences. Incidents of human-wildlife conflict are considerably reduced, as well as damage to crops from wildlife. This will ensure food security for households. Resources that were initially used to purchase food could be channelled to other uses such as supporting children’s education. Reduced human-wildlife conflict translates to fewer wildlife retaliatory killings.

“Porcupine” Electric Fence used to protect maize farm from Elephants near Tsavo National Park in Kenya

How to install a wildlife conservancy electric fence in Kenya

Depending on the budget, a wildlife conservancy electric fence can be installed in a phased approach. For instance, an electric fence can be designed to cover a certain national park or to cover a large human settlement. If the funds are available in one trance, the electric fence can be installed once. If however, the funds are not available to cover the entire perimeter at once, a phased approach to installation can be used.

Challenges with the installation of Wildlife conservancy electric fence in Kenya

The majority of conservation programs are geared toward wildlife rather than communities. Conservation organizations, according to the community, place a higher priority on wildlife than on people. By concentrating on the local people, you may be able to get their support for animal and habitat conservation.

Maintenance of the electric fence is another challenge. Since the local community might not have the necessary skills to maintain the conservancy electric fence, repair and breakdowns may take time before they are resolved. It is therefore imperative that the local community is trained by professionals on how to be doing periodical checks and how to do minor repairs on the electric fences.

The use of reliable equipment and materials will ensure that your electric fence works at all times. At Electric Fences we recommend the use of Stafix Energizer Machines in the installation of Wildlife conservancy electric fences.

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